All words presented in this blog are purely opinion, not fact - unless specifically stated otherwise in the post.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Happy new year

Well, this is my first post of the new year. First real post of the new year I mean. there were a couple of reviewy posts, but they don't really count.
So, in light of that I wish you all a happy new year.

Some of you, those who follow my twitter, will know that I've opted to take on a list of new years resolutions instead of the standard one.
  1.  Finish my three main books/stories (The Longest Cycle trilogy, Dark Prince and A change in the Wind)
  2. Get below 13st (189lbs) - weight loss, probably the most common resolution of them all.
  3. I will not make up any excuse not to go out.
  4. Blog at least three times a week (starting today)
  5. Learn something new every month.
Five resolutions, one year, I intend to complete them all and every time I fail one i will put some money aside for charity.

With the new year comes a time of reflection, a time to think back on your life and think about what you've achieved, what you could have achieved and what you should have achieved.
I think in the past year I started sending out my book too early. For one thing I sent it out before I knew that it was a trilogy, for another I sent it out after the second draft. I don't know if I'm finished yet, but if the responses I've got back about the first book at anything to go by; I'm not there yet.
I truly believe that I will one day get published, but in order to do so I need to be more patient.

When I finish re-writing the final book I will go back to the first and, no doubt, hate every word of it. I'll re-write parts and make them better and once again I'll send it out to try and get published, If I fail again I will go back and make them better. I believe that this is a good story that should be told, whether I do or not is down to me, my persistence and my ability to get back up off the mat.

I hope all of you have a perfectly wonderful new year and I will talk to you soon.


- James

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