So, thanks to California Senator Leland Yee, that age old question has come
around again; are computer games the reason that people go out and kill each
First of all; no, people have been going out and killing each other long
before computer games.
Secondly; the questions wrong. Computer games as a whole aren't being
considered, the people pointing fingers are pointing at a specific type of game
and lumping them all in, however I'm yet to see a mass murder with Tetris-style
blocks so I don't think we can blame everything. What the finger pointers mean
is 'violent computer games.' The question they mean is 'Do violent computer
games create violence?'
However even the answer to that more accurate question is an easy 'No'. I
don't go out killing people, I don't think about going out and killing people.
I don't harbour secret needs to cause pain (though I guess you couldn't trust
my word as it'd be a 'secret' need).
People don't play games to think up new things to do outside. They don't
play Mario and decide to be a plumber, they don't play mortal combat and have
fights to the death. People play games to avoid the outdoors and to work out
frustration. Trust me, if you take away all the shooting games the number of
school and office shootings would rise. All those people who get furious all
day then go home and work out their pent up frustration on the Computer
Generated enemy graphics without causing any real harm to people wouldn't just
stop being frustrated and angry.
I will accept that people under eighteen are angrier since they've started
playing call of duty and manhunt, but that isn't the fault of the computer game
or the developers of the publishers, that's the fault of the parents for buying
them a game clearly marked as inappropriate to under 18s, or the retailer for
selling them a game for over 18s or in the case of the US, the Supreme court
for (as I learned recently and I may have been misinformed) ruling that stores
can't be fined for selling under 18 year olds 18 certificate games.
The first two are problems we have in England but the third is not. If a
store in England sells an 18 cert game to a minor they can be heavily fined and
shut down, which is how it should be. The certificates are there for a reason,
of course an under 18 is going to want it, but they shouldn't be given the
choice of whether or not to abide by the ruling. They have a biased opinion.
Regardless of all of that the fact remains; computer games, like any form of
business driven art is subject to people's demand. If people didn't want hard-core
shooters with blood and death and killing then there wouldn't be any.
The fact is that the entertainment industry sees a culture that raises guns
up to be praised and to be proud of and they work with that. A lot of the time
the people who are complaining about the violent games are the same people
propping up the gun culture, causing the violent games to be created.
It is also worth noting that according to Wikipedia, of the top ten bestselling
computer game franchises of all time seven are non-violent (including the top
five) and of the three violent franchises one is fantasy and non-graphically
It seems to me that if people want violent games to stop then they should
stop asking for violent games. If they want gun games to stop they should stop
loving guns so much.
If they want someone to blame for shootings then maybe they should look at the
killers, their mental disorders and their lack of proper mental care because
someone with a mental disorder doesn't need a violent computer game to commit atrocities,
they will get the idea from anywhere; music, TV, film, the Bible...
But that's just my opinion.
- James
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